
Sunday, 18 November 2012

DIY Studded Army Jacket

When I first saw this studded army jacket by Blu Moon, I knew I had to get my hands on one!  At the time, it was entirely sold out everywhere.  After searching on EBay, I came across a Blu Moon Vintage Army Jacket sans the studs.  This one had some patches on it, but the price was so affordable ($39!) that I purchased it anyway.  Once I received my jacket I was thrilled to find that I could pull most patches right off without any damage to the jacket, keeping the patches I liked.  I purchased two different types of pyramid rivets, both silver and gunmetal in  size 10mm, so that I could stud the jacket myself.  It took me over a year to get around to actually studding the jacket, but I finally finished and am really happy with the outcome.  For those interested in making your own studded army jacket, all you need is a thrift shop jacket, pyramid rivets and less than an hour of your time.  Couldn't be any easier.  Here are some camera is not the best, but you get the gist;)
Although it hard to see in the above photo, the rivets on the pockets are a mix of the silver and gunmetal.  The difference in rivets are easier to make out in the photo below.
I added gunmetal rivets along the shoulder seam.
Studs on the cuffs of the arms were done in silver.
There you have it...have fun getting crafty;)

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